非洲九國領(lǐng)事蒞臨蒙娜麗莎,共探合作機遇,深化國際友誼-蒙娜麗莎集團股份有限公司 --創(chuàng  )建“資源節約型 環(huán)境友好型”企業(yè)





On 20 September 2024, a delegation of Consuls from nine African countries, including Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria, Zambia and the Congo, visited Monalisa for an in-depth tour and exchange activities. Mr. Xiao Libiao, Chairman of the Group, and Mr. Huo Rongquan, Vice Chairman, attached great importance to reception and expressed their warmest welcome to the visitors.

活動(dòng)當日,曾森堯先生負責講解,詳盡地向非洲九國總領(lǐng)事介紹了蒙娜麗莎集團的發(fā)展歷程、產(chǎn)品獨特性、產(chǎn)品實(shí)際應用的廣泛場(chǎng)景,并引導客人上手感觸瓷磚之“美”。在深入講解的過(guò)程中,客人對公司在技術(shù)創(chuàng )新與設計理念上的卓越表現給予極高的評價(jià)與贊賞。他們鄭重地表達了強烈的愿望,希望蒙娜麗莎集團及類(lèi)似的高質(zhì)量企業(yè)能夠前往非洲開(kāi)展投資與發(fā)展活動(dòng),以助力非洲地區滿(mǎn)足其人民日益增長(cháng)的物質(zhì)需求。

On the day of the event, Mr Zeng Senyao was responsible for the explanation, and he introduced in detail to the visitors the development process of the Monalisa, the uniqueness of the products, the wide range of scenarios in which the products are actually used, and guided the guests to experience the beauty of the tiles for themselves. During the explanation, the guests spoke highly of and expressed appreciation for the company's outstanding performance in technological innovation and design concepts. They solemnly expressed their strong wish that Monalisa and similar high-quality enterprises would go to Africa to carry out investment and development activities, so as to help the African region meet the growing material needs of its people.


The visitors visited Monalisa not only profoundly demonstrated the brand appeal and excellent market reputation of Monalisa tiles in overseas markets, but also greatly boosted the group's belief and courage in brand communication, product promotion and service system output towards the international market, laying a solid foundation for deepening the export trade layout and expanding overseas markets.
